A commitment to Northfield families and our community

Committed to the Northfield Public Schools and the families it serves.

A passion for Northfield

Served on theserved on the Northfield Public Schools finance advisory committee and an avid volunteer at Greenvale Park Elementary School


Business owner and active community member

Continuous Support

Volunteer at Greenvale Park Elementary

Professional Experience

in construction

2004 Blandin Foundation

Blandin Community Leadership fellow


Friends of Way Park board member and former NDDC (aka Friends of Downtown Northfield board

Big Woods Movement Collective

Current board member

Building a future

Construction experience and industry knowledge

Family First

  • Volunteer at GVP Elementary
  • Committed husband and father of three children
  • Habitat for Humanity volunteer

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  • Ask me anything
  • Learn more about my platform
  • I care deeply about Northfield

I am a former Northfield High School teacher and coach and NHS graduate with a B.A. In history from Luther College.

Running for Northfield School Board

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